Merger Control: Recent Developments in Digital Markets

28th February 2022 @ 1:00 pm – 8th April 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Silvia Solidoro
Merger Control: Recent Developments in Digital Markets @ Online



Registrations are now open for the second edition of the online course Merger Control: Recent Developments in Digital Markets, jointly organised with the Florence School of Regulation – Communications and Media.

The course represents the second block of the Annual Training on Competition and Regulation in the Digital Era.

Course website

Firms active in digital markets have proven remarkably active in mergers and acquisitions (M&As), constantly seeking to absorb companies — especially new start-ups — with a view to expanding their ecosystem while consolidating their market share.

One common concern raised by M&As is that such transactions might have the objective to prevent the acquired company from becoming a competitive threat: this is particularly relevant in the context of digital markets, where firms compete for the market rather than in the market and where competition from small market players is essential to discipline incumbent’s behaviour. Moreover, most of the M&As happen beyond the radar of competition authorities as the majority of these transactions do not reach the thresholds that trigger merger control.

After completing our course, you will be equipped with all the knowledge and expert insight into the new challenges raised by M&As for competition professionals and policymakers.



Institutional Partner

The online training is organised in cooperation with the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD). UNCTAD will assign 5 free seats to officials from National Competition Authorities of developing countries.

For more information, please contact Teresa Moreira, Head of the UNCTAD Competition and Consumer Policies Branch.